
The Gallery’s high level of professionalism is guaranteed by the expertise and preparedness of its staff. Four art historians, art appraisers along with well-prepared financial, export-import and marketing professionals are ready to assist you.

Several decades of experience, more than ten thousand Hungarian pictures sold, and a number of exclusive exhibitions have earned national and international recognition among buyers and sellers.

Dr. Judit Virág
Owner, Art-historian, Judicial Appraiser
Graduated at the Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest majoring in Art history and French, and worked as a museologist for the Kiscelli Museum of the Budapest History Museum. Since 1988, she has been playing an active role on the reviving Hungarian art and auction market and lead several auctions. She has a PhD in Art history, and is a judicial appraiser. Specialist in 19th and 20th century Hungarian painting.
Language: French, Russian, English.
Anna Kelen
Graduated at the University of ELTE, majoring in Art-history, Sociology and Politology. Area of responsibilities: client service, accepting paintings, carrying out background research, providing information on auctions and exhibitions.
Language: English, Spanish
István Törő
Owner, Managing Director
The co-owner of the Gallery graduated at the Loránd Eötvös University in Budapest majoring in Literature, History and Finno-Ugric. Specialist in numismatics and Zsolnay ceramics.
Language: German, English.
Zsófia Nemes
Gallery manager
Studied at the University of Sunderland majoring in business studies, marketing and advertisement managing. She is a certified accountant. She has been working for the Gallery since 1999. Area of responsibilities: organisation of auctions and exhibitions, preparation of catalogues, maintaining relations with graphic studios and printers, web editing, international relations, PR and marketing activities, dealing with export-import and banking matters, tasks related to the daily operation of the Gallery. Language: English, German
Balázs Bársony
art director
I have been working within the field of the art market since 1998, first as an appraiser, then I graduated in art history at Pázmány Péter Catholic University. Language: English My philosophy: we are not only dealing with works of arts, but trying to get to know our clients and this way to unite different ages, people and stories.
Ivett Török
Zsolnay specialist, Financial colleague
Area of responsibilities: Zsolnay advisor, research of Zsolnay ceramics, monitoring the market of foreign auction houses, financial services. Language: English, German
Gabriella Bán
Painting appraiser
Graduated from Eötvös Loránd University of Budapest, studied at Akademia Ignatianum, Krakow. Worked as a visual merchandiser and as a teacher. Area of responsibilities: assistance of the clientele, receiving paintings, providing information on auctions and exhibitions. Languages: English
Éva Diószegi
Master of Liberal arts
Graduated at the ELTE-TTK specializing in geography. Area of responsibilities: Edition and proofreading of publications and auction catalogues, web editing tasks, customer services
Magdolna Hársfalvi
Art historian
Graduated from Eötvös Loránd University of Budapest, majoring in Art-history and American Studies. Studied at the Univesity of Turku, Finland and Bard College, USA. Area of responsibilities: carrying out art historical research, study writing, receiving paintings, providing information on auctions and exhibitions, guided tours. Language: English, Italian
Léna Földes
Art historian
Graduated from Eötvös Loránd University of Budapest, majoring in Hungarian Literature and Grammar and Film Studies. Area of responsibilities: assistance of the clientele, receiving paintings, providing information on auctions and exhibitions, handling of the photo archive. Languages: English, French
Anna Horváth
Graduated from University of Szeged majoring in Aesthetics with a French minor and got her master's degree in curatorial module. She worked as an exhibition guide. Area of responsibilities: Administration related to the restoration and framing of artworks, assistance of the clientele, receiving paintings, providing information on auctions and exhibitions, handling of the photo archive. Languages: English, French
Rebeka Erdélyi
Art historian
Graduated from Central Saint Martins, University of Arts, London with a degree in History of Art and Curation. Previously worked in a gallery and at art fairs. Area of responsibilities: art historical research, study writing, receiving paintings, providing information on auctions and exhibitions. Languages: English, Spanish
Nóra Tóth
Art historian
Graduated from the Universität Wien with a degree in Art History, then studied as an art object and painting appraiser. Previously worked in the art trade, then became an intern for the European Commision in Brussels, after that worked for a multinational company. Area of responsibilities: organisation of auctions and exhibitions, preparation of publications and auction catalogues, keeping contact with the clientele Languages: German, English
Eszter Józsa
She got her first degree and started to work as a certified accountant. Then continued studying at St. István University on HR Management.
Jobs: general financial duties, invoicing, data services and administration Language: English
Anna Cseresnyési
Art historian
Born and raised in Japan and moved to Hungary at the age of 14. Majored in Japanese and Art History at Eötvös Loránd University, and then studied at the University of Vienna and Leiden. From 2019, she spent two years at Waseda University (Tokyo) as a Japanese government MEXT research fellow. Field of research: Japanese Art and Art Nouveau. Tasks: Art historical research, writing studies, documentation of artworks, information on Auctions and Exhibitions Language: English, Japanese
Csaba Varga
Area of responsibilities: installation of exhibitions, shipping, inventory management, providing information on auctions and exhibitions, photography.
János Povázsan
Area of responsibilities: installation of exhibitions, shipping, inventory management, providing information on auctions and exhibitions.
Róbert Haga
Area of responsibilities: installation of exhibitions, shipping, inventory management, providing information on auctions and exhibitions, photography.