Summer, Water and Sunshine - From the Sea to Lake Balaton
Classic exhibition

Summer, Water and Sunshine - From the Sea to Lake Balaton


Exhibition: June 15 – August 31
Venue: Virág Judit Gallery

How did they vacation? The small-scale exhibition of Virág Judit Gallery for the summer features works by Hungarian painters depicting the waterfront and sunny landscapes.

The 19th century Hungarian Realism is represented by fine naturalistic works of Lajos Bruck, Lajos Deák Ébner.

From the artists of Hungarian Modernism and École de Paris – Béla Kádár, János Kmetty, Károly Kernstok, Ödön Márffy, István Csók, János Vaszary and Gyula Derkovits – bright works evoking the most beautiful moments of the Summer will be on view.

Visitors can see the paintings of Károly Patkó, István Szőnyi and József Egry, members of the Gresham circle, who have been inspired by the Danube Bend, Zebegény and the Balaton highlands for almost a lifetime.

Contemporary works by László Fehér, Eszter Radák and Linda Bodolóczki are also on view.

All paintings featured in the exhibition are for sale.